
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blog Schedule - what you can expect from ASG in the SLC

Our new little blog is up and running, so I figured I'd better put out a basic list of weekly posts so that you (and I!) can keep up!

Our goal here at ASG in the SLC is to post at least 4 times a week with regular (and awesome!) content. 
Below I've outlined what you can generally expect to hear from us around here - in addition to the occasional updates and goings-on around the Guild.

We'll post a tutorial or project for you!

We'll help you get organized in your studio or work-space with ideas and inspiration!

We will share tips and techniques to help you sharpen your skills and think outside the box!

We'll alternate between store and product reviews, studio tours, guest posts, interviews and member spotlights!

So tell us - 
what kind of posts do you look forward to reading the most?!
what do you love to post to your blog?

Thanks for all the comments and emails with encouragement and kind words! 
We love to hear from you, you're the reason why we're here after all!

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