
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Creative Thread Storage & Organization

Need some creative solutions to store and organize your thread? 
Deciding how to handle all those spools can be overwhelming; to make it even more of a chore, thread is one of those things we constantly use, use and up, and buy more of! ...sigh...What's a girl to do with all those spools?

Here's some {P}inspiration to get you started!

Designer Sandy Henderson stores her thread in this little beauty she picked up at a thrift store for 99 cents.

And designer Anna Maria Horner uses gallon sized clear jars - love all the yummy colors!

Karen at the popular Sew Many Ways blog uses vintage soda crates, she always has awesome re-purposing ideas for the sewing room!

I use matchbox car cases - with 48 compartments they hold my embroidery threads perfectly!

A plain old tool box becomes a thread chest

What about using a CD storage cabinet? The shallow shelves are just the right size.

Feeling up for a DIY option?
Minitoko  gives you the low down on how to make these pretty thread holders

The Creative Homemaker  shows you how to make this ingenious thread holder that even keeps your bobbins organized.

This funky framed thread holder tutorial can be found at Grey Luster Girl 

Looking for simple ideas that pack a punch?
How about spray paint! Give your old thread rack a new coat of color, and ta-da! Instant update!

Or what about thread spools onto dowels to create a "bouquet"? like author and designer Susan Wasinger?

Hopefully all this eye candy will get you started in the right direction
(It makes me want to run out and buy some thread!) 

Tell us! How do you store all your thread? 
Do you organize by type, color, not at all?

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