
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sewing Room Printable Freebie

Do you ever sew with a grudge?
I know I do!
For everyone who hates wasting their precious sewing time and talents hemming pants, 
this printable is for you!

"Asking A Seamstress To Mend Is Like Asking Michelangelo To Paint Your Garage" 

Wouldn't this look sweet framed and put up in your studio? 
Or make a great gift for a fellow sewer?

Which color will you use?
Aqua, Black, Pink, Red or Marigold?

This printable is free, for you to do with as you please!
Of course, we'd love for you to leave us a comment letting us know if you use it!

{Printable created by CherryBubbins, Sewing machine graphic courtesy of the Graphics Fairy}

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