
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Snap Purse for Teacher Appreciation Gift!

Need a quick and easy gift to put together before Teacher Appreciation Week is over?
We've sewn up a sweet snap purse for Kadences teacher. 
These make great last minute gifts - it takes less than an hour to complete, and you can make one with as little a couple FQ's or fabric scraps and even a novice and put this together.

I used some left over Heather Bailey fabric (a favorite of mine) and the Snap Tape Purse Tutorial HERE.
To get the "clutch" size I adjusted the pattern by cutting my outer fabric 8x8 inches and my lining 8x12.
I also added a little strap and used the left over selvedge edges to add a decorative ruffle.

This came about by pure laziness - I wanted a ruffle but didn't want to mess with a narrow hem. It turned out super cute - and seems to be everyone's favorite detail!

Are you sewing up any gifts for the teachers in your life before school is out for the summer?

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